Are you an entrepreneur?

Nowadays opportunities have created a new lifestyle around employment. The emotional link that tether workers to big brand multinational employers is dissipating as a new generation of entrepreneurs look to make their own brands -- from a one-person band to a startup company looking to disrupt entire industries. NOW is the best time to start your own business.

Technology has levelled the playing field for entrepreneurs of this generation. Cheaper, better technology has enabled the rise of small business owners by dropping barriers to entry, speeding distribution channels and lowering overhead. This is the case no matter where you set up shop –from Silicon Valley in USA to a small village in Serbia. The rise of the sharing economy, the growth of use of smartphone and the accompanying APP explosion have combined to drop the cost of operation, tracking sales, human resources and about any other business services you can name.

Whether your case is (i) currently only an idea, or (ii) there is proof-of-concept - but no real revenue yet, or (iii) there is proof-of-concept - with customers and revenue, WoooLabs is there to provide you with solutions and services to start your business at whatever stage.

Invest in Funding

Kicking start a new startup business into accelerated growth mode takes capital. And a lot of it! Although new startup businesses do have options for business funding, it is admittedly difficult to get a hold of the money you need to go big without a substantial financial track record. Some new startup businesses also don’t want to take on too much debt early on, and would rather give up equity to investors. If you find yourself evaluating this, you are probably wanting to know how to find investors for your startup business. At WoooLabs, we are constantly looking for opportunities to fund worthy new businesses. We are former entrepreneurs ourselves who can provide informed perspectives to startup entrepreneurs. Whether you are looking for angel funding or raising a full seed round, WoooLabs can be your great conduit to bigger networks and resources down the line.

Invest in Resources

At WoooLabs, we typically invest not only with capital but also take an active role in helping our portfolio companies with strategic advice, legal sparring, networking and experience. We have learned firsthand, as entrepreneurs ourselves, faced with market scepticism of building a company with passion and perseverance, that it is possible to endure, and achieve our goals. We count ourselves amongst you: great visionary entrepreneurs. On top of surrounding yourself with the right people, the right partnership, and strong financial allies, we know the first step to building any successful venture is SALES, which is often overlooked by many startup founders. WoooLabs takes an active role in providing startup companies with digital marketing solutions and services. Our expertise and experience in digital marketing enable you to capitalize your ideas, generate SALES and accelerate your growth. We empower our entrepreneurs to dream big.





WoooLabs is a leading value-added digital marketing solutions and services provider.
We actively seek innovative startup companies to grow with. With our team of experts, we bring connection, knowledge, mentoring and operational assistance in digital marketing to early-stage bold entrepreneurs with game-changing ideas.
Let us help you turn your vision into a sustainable and successful business.